More evidence linking exercise with improved self esteem and depression management

A recent study in the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology has demonstrated significant improvements for measures of depression, self-esteem, physical self-worth, and self-perceived physical condition in a group of socioeconomically disadvantaged women with elevated symptoms of depression.

While not everyone is clinically depressed, we can probably all relate to feeling negative about our prospects or personal situation at times.

I have certainly observed some of these positive outcomes from exercise through my own exercise program and also as a personal trainer helping others to incorporate exercise into their lives. It has been really interesting to see that improvements in people’s self esteem, sense of physical self worth and ‘how they feel’ seems to be the first significant outcome of exercise that appears before other common desirable outcomes such as improved fitness, strength or weight loss.

Whether you are considering embarking on an exercise program or are already involved in regular exercise, here’s just another reason why you can’t afford not to make regular exercise part of your life.

-Kristin Lewis