Strength training important to maintain independence as we age

A recent study published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning has shown that aerobic exercise alone is not sufficient to prevent strength and muscle loss as we age. The men in the study were aged between 52-66 while the women were aged 49-65 and all were long term regular aerobic exercisers with running being their primary mode of exercise. Despite the regular aerobic training, the subjects loss approximately 5% of their leg strength each year with researchers concluding that a strength training program was the required intervention to prevent this strength loss.

Strength training still remains a mystery to many people who incorrectly believe it is the domain of ‘gym junkies’. While it does take some time and professional input to learn how to perform strength training safely and efficiently, there are an increasing number of people at all stages of life beginning to engage with this form of training and experiencing the benefits.

The big driver behind maintaining strength as we age is falls prevention and maintaining the strength to perform essential daily movements such as being able to get down to and up from a chair or the floor. Strength training is responsible for ensuring that we retain our independence for as long as possible as we age and allowing us to enjoy an active lifestyle, active holidays and time with younger family members.

Use this information to encourage you to get involved in a strength training program and experience the benefits!

-Kristin Lewis